This Is Qatar - Education Above All Foundation Partners with Birzeit University to Provide 927 Scholarships for Palestinian Students
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Education Above All Foundation Partners with Birzeit University to Provide 927 Scholarships for Palestinian Students

The Education Above All Foundation has partnered with Birzeit University, supported by the Qatar Fund for Development, to provide 927 full scholarships to eligible Palestinian students for the 2023-2024 academic years.

Muneeb M, May 22, 2024

The Education Above All Foundation (EAA) has announced a groundbreaking partnership with Birzeit University, supported by the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD), to offer 927 full scholarships to eligible Palestinian students for the academic years 2023-2024. These scholarships aim to empower students in their pursuit of quality higher education.

Comprehensive Educational Opportunities

Birzeit University will administer the scholarships as part of the Qatar Scholarship Program, covering a wide range of specialties. The program ensures that students receive a comprehensive educational experience, including full tuition coverage and additional support through academic and student services. By creating an environment where students can thrive both academically and personally, this initiative aims to break down barriers and provide equal opportunities for Palestinian youth.

Transformative Impact

Talal Al Hothal, Director of the Al Fakhoora Program at EAA, emphasized the transformative impact of these scholarships. He highlighted that education serves as a vital lifeline in the West Bank, where students face numerous challenges. By offering scholarships, this partnership not only supports individual students but also invests in Palestinian society as a whole. The goal is to equip young people with the education and opportunities they need to succeed, ultimately strengthening communities and contributing to growth and prosperity.

Commitment to Excellence

Dr. Talal Shahwan, President of Birzeit University, expressed the significance of this collaboration with EAA. He noted that partnering with the foundation represents a crucial step in the university’s ongoing mission to provide high-quality education to all Palestinians. This cooperation expands the university’s ability to offer scholarships to a broader group of students, reaffirming its commitment to academic excellence and social justice. The university aims to pave the way for success and contribute to a sustainable and prosperous future for Palestine.

Global Efforts for Educational Development

The Qatar Scholarship Program is part of EAA’s global efforts to promote educational development. It targets marginalized Palestinian youth who demonstrate academic excellence, as well as those with disabilities. The program aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 4, which advocates for equal access to quality and affordable education. Through this joint commitment between EAA and Birzeit University, higher education becomes more accessible, fostering a brighter future for Palestinian students.

Source: Qatar News Agency (QNA) Qatar News Agency (QNA) Education Above All Foundation (EAA) Birzeit University Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD)