This Is Qatar - Qatar Charity collects QR50mn to build world's largest city for orphans
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Qatar Charity collects QR50mn to build world's largest city for orphans

Qatar Charity's Ramadan campaign raises funds for the City of Life for Orphans, with significant contributions and support from influencers, aiming to provide education and care for orphaned children in Istanbul.

Elisabeta Kadrija, Apr 07, 2024

Qatar Charity's Ramadan "27th Night Challenge" garnered over QR50mn in donations from the people of Qatar, supporting the construction of the world's largest orphan "city" known as the City of Life for Orphans. Influencers Abdullah al-Ghafri and Mohamed Adnan, along with journalist Dr. Abdul Rahman al-Harami, played a significant role in encouraging philanthropic participation.

The donation campaign, part of Qatar Charity's "We prefer it over ourselves" initiative, was broadcasted on Holy Qur'an Radio's "Taraweeh" program, commencing at 9:30 pm on Friday until midnight in al-Hikma Square at Katara Cultural District.

A mural featuring the names of all donors was unveiled by al-Ghafri during the event. Qatar Charity aims to establish the largest "city" for orphans to enhance services for disadvantaged children globally, offering free education, study materials, and educational support to empower their future and contribute positively to their communities and home countries.

This initiative will benefit orphans from approximately 70 countries where Qatar Charity operates, with a focus on providing educational and health services. The fundraising campaign for the City of Life for Orphans, estimated at QR131mn, commenced at the beginning of Ramadan and will establish a residential and educational city in Istanbul. The facility will accommodate 2,000 orphan students, providing essential amenities and educational resources to foster their development and well-being.