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Education Excellence Award recognizes excellence and creativity

Elisabeta Kadrija, Mar 05, 2024


Nine students from Qatar Foundation’s Pre-University Education were honored at the 17th edition of the Education Excellence Award ceremony, recognizing exceptional academic achievements and meaningful contributions to society.


Abdulla Hilal Al Mohannadi, a 14-year-old student at Qatar Academy Al Khor (QAK), received the Platinum Medal for the second consecutive time. “The happiness I feel is beyond words,” he said. “I am immensely proud of being the first student at my school to be honored with the Education Excellence Award in both elementary and middle school.”


Al Mohannadi added: “Receiving this award acknowledges my hard work and scholarly achievements, fueling my drive to reach even greater heights. It serves as motivation for me to push the boundaries of innovation and pursue new accomplishments.”


Al Mohannadi emphasized that winning the Education Excellence Award is now his main target, praising the supportive educational environment that encourages innovation and outstanding performance. He highlighted how this has been essential in fostering leadership across different sectors and driving students to aim for excellence.


"I encourage my friends to apply for the award. It's a powerful tool to inspire people to strive towards excellence and achieve distinction," Al Mohannadi concluded.


Another student from QAK, Mohammed Mahmoud Al-Hail, 14-years-old, is also a Platinum Medal recipient. He said: “Winning this award fills me with immense happiness. Achieving my goals and overcoming challenges with grit and persistence has made me even happier. This recognition erases all the tiredness and tough days I've faced in my academic journey."

Al-Hail expressed a strong determination to continue developing his leadership skills, upholding commendable qualities and morals, and fostering positive habits. His aim is not only to expand his knowledge but also to utilize his talents and abilities for the benefit of others, sharing his journey towards excellence with the wider community.


"The award serves as a powerful motivator for me, propelling me to persist in my hard work and achieve even greater things. It also imposes upon me the responsibility to maintain a high standard of excellence, creativity, and innovation in all my academic pursuits, while also striving to serve my faith and my nation,” Al-Hail concluded. 


Ghalia Saoud Al-Darwish, a 12-year-old student at Qatar Academy Doha, who received a Gold Medal, said: "I'm happy, and satisfied all at once about winning the award, I'm proud of what I've done, and having my family, friends, and teachers with me. It's a feeling I can't explain."


Al-Darwish mentioned that the award was a recognition of her efforts over the last three years, saying: "This achievement is the result of diligent work across numerous projects, programs, and activities, involving hours and days of dedication.


"It's an incredibly fascinating journey. Anyone aspiring to achieve this award must be patient and persevere," Al-Darwish said.


Al-Darwish also spoke about how much fun it was to learn along the way, with the journey helping her to better make use of her time and grow as a person. 


Reflecting on the crucial role her family played in their journey, she added: "The journey has been tough but incredibly rewarding. Whenever I encountered obstacles, my family’s support never faltered."


Students who were also celebrated for their achievements included Naila Fahad Saud Al Thani, Haya Fahad Ali Al Thani, and Nouf Ghanem Al Dosari from Qatar Academy Doha, who each earned gold medals in the primary level. In the middle level, Noura Faisal Al-Dosari from Qatar Academy Doha secured a platinum medal. Meanwhile, Rima Ahmed Al-Hail, from Qatar Academy Al Khor, and Khaled Mubarak Al-Hajri, from Qatar Academy Doha, also received a gold medal at the secondary level.