This Is Qatar - Taxidermy artists turn animals into keepsakes at Souq waqif
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Taxidermy artists turn animals into keepsakes at Souq waqif

Al Maha Taxidermy in Souq Waqif, Doha, showcases preserved animals reflecting Qatar's wildlife heritage. Artisans preserve animals like falcons and gazelles, symbolizing cultural significance.

Muneeb M, Apr 07, 2024

In Doha, Qatar, nestled within the 'Craft Center' at Souq Waqif, Al Maha Taxidermy draws tourists and locals alike with its collection of preserved animals, showcasing the nation's rich wildlife heritage.

Within the shop, lions, gazelles, oryx, dogs, monkeys, rabbits, falcons, and various birds adorn the walls and floors, captivating visitors with their lifelike presence.

Malek Manssour, a vendor at Al Maha Taxidermy, highlights the interest of locals and Gulf nationals in preserving animals such as falcons and gazelles, cherished for their cultural significance. He explains that many clients opt for taxidermy to immortalize their beloved animals, especially those symbolizing Qatar's cultural heritage, often acquired through auctions at considerable expense.

Manssour notes that the craftsmanship of taxidermy transcends borders, with animals sourced internationally, like the lion from Kenya, complementing those native to Qatar. With two skilled artisans dedicated to their craft, the shop receives animals from various channels, including clients, veterinary hospitals, and overseas.

Beyond mere preservation, these meticulously crafted animals serve as tributes to Qatar's wildlife heritage, finding homes in residences, traditional gathering spaces, and farms across the country.